degree Celsius

美 [dɪˈɡriː ˈselsiəs]英 [dɪˈɡriː ˈselsiəs]
  • 摄氏度
degree Celsiusdegree Celsius
  1. The maximum is thirty eight degree celsius .


  2. This is an area of China that has set world temperature records , of50 degree Celsius , or more .


  3. And its body temperature can rise by 6 degree Celsius


  4. The annual average temperature here is 24 degree celsius .


  5. Fair treatment can be achieved under the condition of water temperature over 15 degree Celsius .


  6. The temperature is above zero degree Celsius .


  7. Earlier research has shown that warming the scrotum more than one degree Celsius is enough to damage sperm .


  8. The weather in Shenzhen these days is strange , the temperature goes down to12 degree Celsius .


  9. The minimum is minus fifteen degree celsius .


  10. Even as temperatures soar over 40 degree Celsius , big white clouds float in the sky .


  11. Beijing 's high temperature was minus one degree Celsius on Saturday , down by at least six degrees from last week .


  12. Standard testing conditions : Officially specified conditions under which paper is tested : 50 % relative humidity and 23 degree Celsius .


  13. Coral has a narrow comfort zone and is highly stressed by a temperature rise of less than one degree Celsius .


  14. Synonymous with punishing cold , parts of it can bake at 40 degree Celsius .


  15. Albert Einstein College of Medicine researchers previously showed that every one degree Celsius rise in body temperature about 6 percent more species .


  16. The temperature dropped drastically in the afternoon . I assumed it was10 degree Celsius now .


  17. I have a fever of40 degree Celsius .


  18. Their analysis indicates the opposite result for wind turbines installed in water : a drop in temperatures by one degree Celsius over those regions .


  19. The effects of climate change have led to global temperature increases of 1 degree Celsius above the pre-industrial era , according to the WMO .


  20. Albert Einstein College of Medicine researchers previously showed that every one degree Celsius rise in body temperature wards off about 6 percent more fungal species .


  21. The weather is usually warm and sunny , and the air is dry . The average temperature is between nineteen and twenty degree Celsius .


  22. Remember , the freezing point of ocean water , salt water , is lower than for fresh water , negative 1.9 degree Celsius ( - 1.9 ° C ) .


  23. Five and a half hours later , just after midnight , the water-temperature trace suddenly jumped a full degree Celsius for about three minutes .


  24. After that , lay the shankbone into the experiment oven which temperature is 60 degree Celsius by number and take them out 12 hours latter .


  25. They predict that , for every rise in seasonal temperature of one degree Celsius , yields of major grain crops will drop by2.5 – 16 per cent .


  26. in Alaska , in the northern Arctic part of Alaska , over the last thirty years or so , temperature has increased about half a degree Celsius per decade ,


  27. As you know , coral is very sensitive to water temperature , even though one or two degree Celsius rise in sea surface temperature for a relatively short amount of time can cause bleaching .


  28. In contrast , when examining ocean-based wind farms , Prinn and Wang found that wind turbines cooled the surface by more than one degree Celsius .


  29. Especially when construction in winter , climate specially cold , outside the temperature below zero degree Celsius , the new constructed fire proofing coating is all easy to ruin by freezing .


  30. So it 's perhaps no wonder that it 's a Russian scientist who has staged the most spectacular spin yet of the ice bucket challenge using minus 195 degree Celsius liquid nitrogen .
